Sunday, May 27, 2012


We are called to have wisdom. That's what the Bible says numerous times. 
I could give so many references of that, and we all KNOW that. Proverbs is filled with talking about our need for wisdom <<2:6, 2:10, 3:21, 4:7, 8:11, 11:2, 13:10, 23:15, 24:3>>. However, its written all over, Ecclesiastes 2:26, Isaiah 33:6, 1 Corinthians 2:6-7, Ephesians 1:17, Colossians 1:9, James 1:5 and James 3:17. Just to list a few :) 

Now this has been my constant prayer. And its a promise from God that He will give us His wisdom is we are abiding and seeking Him. As I was praying for the wisdom of God, He opened my eyes up to some other passages that talk about what we need in order to have wisdom...

We need fear. 

Wait, hold on for a second. We are told all growing up not to fear. We are told to walk in boldness, confidence, and courage. Come on Lord, I know it says in Deuteronomy 31:6 to not fear for You are always with me.
But this is a different kind of fear, it's a fear of the Lord. This fear is in reference to an AWE and REVERENCE of God. 

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." <<Proverbs 9:10>> 

So easily I am able to view the Lord as my friend, father, comforter, healer, lover and pursuer. But I quickly forget to view Him as the King of King, Powerful Creator of all things, and Lord over all. This views bring in the reverence that my God deserves. Seeing Him not only as my comforter, but also as a King changes my view. 

I serve a POWERFUL God who deserves nothing less then my utmost respect. And that includes fearing Him above all.  As sinners, we so quickly fear life and the things to come before we even think to fear the Lord. I know in my own life, fear comes naturally, but a reverent fear of the Lord does not.

I am still searching this out and praying through the practical ways to fear God and what that looks like day to day for me. But He has opened my eyes up to the necessity to fear Him and I am seeking biblically what that looks like! 

Do you fear the Lord? Or do you fear life?

Favorite song this week.
Also, my brother LJ moved home this week. This was his first day, My mother and I picked him up from the airport, then we all went to block 15 and met my dad! LJ drew a picture of me :)

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