Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Bliss.

Currently I am sitting in one of my favorite places.


From that you can infer that I am in Portland. I LOVE Portland. I am sitting here next to my best friend Marissa on a little Bethany Birthday Retreat! I will blog about my birthday later though (hopefully tomorrow, but realistically later this week!). 

This morning Marissa and I visited Solid Rock. Both of us had been so excited to go all week, and when we woke up this morning neither of us wanted too. However, we didn't voice these feelings thinking the other person still wanted to attend. And praise the Lord neither of us said anything because man oh man we needed to hear that message! 
The message i heared was the third in a series on Work. The main focus today was on our calling and how to live it out the way that God calls us too. 
My first thoughts, "I don't have a calling, I'm 19 for goodness sake! What does he mean by my calling anyways? My Job?" and lastly "what even is my calling? I'm a student?
Quickly these questions were answered. 

When biblically talking about work and callings we obviously talk about Jesus. His work was being a carpentar and His ministry was saving souls, dying on the cross and then rising 3 days later. Easy peasy answer. But how does that apply to me? 

God has a specific calling for each of us. Callings aren't only for those that are pastors, missionaries, leaders, worship team etc. We are all called. "But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth, to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 obviously He called me. I didn't read in there anywhere "He called you by our gospel, but only when you turn the age 45 and have finished school, have a family and a stable career." But what I did hear was that I am CHOSEN and I am CALLED. But my purpose it to bring glory to God. 

Alright now how do I do that? I'm pretty set in where i am at, I am a student, an employee and Charis resident. Where is my calling in all of this? I have been wracking my brain. Asking, "What am I doing? Is there any purpose to this? I feel like this is meaningless!" And then I remembered....

I don't have to know the answers yet.

Wait, WHAT? God has a plan even if I don't know it?! Then how does this message even apply to me?! 
Well, let me tell you. We are supposed to be living our lives in a way searching for our calling, living out our purpose. Right now, my calling it to be a student, employee and Charis resident. My calling might change, but this is where God has me right now. And in these things I am to be living purposely-- bringing glory to God. 
So how do i do this?
I live my life FOCUSED. Only concentrating on the things HE has put in front of me and saying no to the others. I really need to learn that small word. no. 

I live my life in EXCELLENCE. Striving for greatness in the things HE has put in front of me <<Colossians 3:17>>. Always setting the bar for myself as high as I can. Jesus was perfect in everything He did. We need to strive for perfection. Obviously we will never achieve it, but we need to try as hard as we can for it. Our attitudes and the work we do show Jesus. If we are slacking and not putting our best effort, is that showing Jesus? In school, work, housing, friends, family etc. We are to strive for excellence. 

I live my life MOTIVATED. God's goal was to save every soul <<1 Timothy 2:3-6>>. God's motivation was unconditional love for you and me <<John 3:16>>. Whoa. So what should my motivation be? As Christians, our motivation is to bring glory to God and to pour out His love on others. Wait, that's too simple, is there a catch? Yup. Its hard. But other then that, no catch.

So bottom line is that we are all called. Its okay to not KNOW your calling yet. However we are to live our lives FOCUSED, in EXCELLENCE, and MOTIVATED. Jesus was the best savior because He had you and I in mind. We are to bring glory to God in all things and love all with the same love that He loves us! Easier said then done. But its a process. 

Trying to find your calling? here are a couple questions SR asked to help. 
What are you good at?
What are you passionate about?
What are the needs in your world?
What doors are open to you?
What is God blessing?
What do other people say?
What is the Spirit doing in your heart?

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