A major theme in the Real Life crew these days has just been enjoying the love of the Lord! So as we sat there worshiping, I was just praying that God would reveal His love to me and show me his power. One person who was there began to read out a verse:
"Love suffers long [and] is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails." 1 Corintians 13: 4-8a
With this verse, God gave me a picture of the power of His word and the Love that comes from it! I saw a picture of a canvas, and on the left side of the canvas was the silhouette of a face blowing ( i googled the image and found something close to what I saw)

Coming out of the mouth was scripture. The scripture looked whimsical as if it were wind being breathed out of the mouth of this person. At first i thought the "person" was God and prayed about that and felt as if it was us, the body, lovers of Jesus. I kept praying about this picture, asking if there was more too it and what it meant. And then I saw a picture of the wind/scripture flowing over the mountains, then the wind encompassed a city and then the wind blew a small dandelion.

I could see this picture so clearly it was almost as if I were on the wind, following the course of the scripture. I continued to pray about it hoping that God would give me an interpretation of what it meant and I feel as if I have a small idea. I felt as if the scripture was represented as wind because it is there without even seeing it. And the wind can be powerful doing lots of damage, or it can just be an enjoyable light breeze. God's love is powerful but also incredibly enjoyable. Also, i felt as if God was saying that His word can touch something as big as a mountain to something as small as a dandelion. I was talking about it to my parents and my dad felt as if the dandelion also represented multiplication.
To me this picture also shows the power of knowing the word. When we know the word, His love just pours through us. The better we know the scripture, the God Breathed truth, the easier it is to be like minded with Christ. The easier it is to have to heart of the Lord. The easier it is to LOVE people the way GOD loves people.
To me this picture also shows the power of knowing the word. When we know the word, His love just pours through us. The better we know the scripture, the God Breathed truth, the easier it is to be like minded with Christ. The easier it is to have to heart of the Lord. The easier it is to LOVE people the way GOD loves people.
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