Hello there! Its been awhile!
I woke up this morning at 3:30 to a winter wonderland. The only problem with that is yesterday was the start of spring! Now I am all for snow. I love it. Its beautiful. Its blissful. Its peaceful.
This weather makes me want to date. I know. Such a GIRL thing to say. But hey, that's how I feel. I love long walks in the cold weather holding hands. I love cuddling up with coffee or tea and just talking while watching the snow fall. I love sitting in blanket forts, crocheting, watching movies, playing board games, laughing, smiles, sitting in silence and so much more that comes with this blissful winter weather! The snow just makes me want to be romanced!
But the lie that most people believe when they start desiring a relationship and the things that come from it is that its not okay to want that. They think (I have definitely thought this!) oh man I must not be concentrating on God enough if I want a boyfriend. Oh gosh, I just need to seek the Lord more how dare I not be content! But in reality, ITS OKAY! God created us with a desire to have a husband! But whats so cool about being single is how much more God can be that lover for us!
Some days I get so concentrated on how I am not being pursued that I forget that God is pursuing me! HE WANTS ME! The ways He is blessing me, showing me His love, teaching me my worth, all have to do with the ways He is romancing me! I don't need to want to be romanced, I AM being romanced! So cool. And God is so faithful to be there when my feeble heart is hurting. He is my comforter.
Today is one of those days where I just get to choose JOY. I get to choose to enjoy the winter in spring! I get to choose to let Jesus romance me! I get to choose to not sit in pity, loneliness and sadness. My God is bigger and better. My God has such plans for my life. And He has a plan for today!
Welp, here I go onto the rest of the day. Choosing Jesus every step!

Welp, here I go onto the rest of the day. Choosing Jesus every step!