Sunday, November 28, 2010

Power, Patience and Love

God is SO powerful! Isn’t it crazy that all we have to do is talk to God and he hears us? We can ask Him for whatever we want and He will answer us! Not always the answers we want, and not always in the time we want, but He hears us!
“Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me.” Micah 7:7

I just think that is so amazing. MY GOD WILL HEAR ME! When I pray I am not just hoping that someone will hear and maybe I will get a response. I’m not like a little kid sending a letter to Santa, hoping that he gets my request, wondering how long my letter would take to get to him, worried about it getting lost in the mail. No! I know as soon as the thought, prayer, or question comes out of my mouth He hears me. Isn’t that incredible?
Recently I have just seen God work in miraculous ways. He has just been answering prayers left and right I feel like. My brother Jeremiah trusted God to bring Him a new drum set, just praying and seeking the Lord. And guess what God did? God had someone give Miah a nice drum set! What a blessing! God just wants to bless us, He WANTS to give to us. We just have to ask.
One time I heard someone say “I guess all we can do is pray.” And I thought WHAT?! All we can do? That is such wrong thinking! The MOST we can do is pray! The first thing we should do is pray. God is so powerful; why not seek Him first? God is so loving; why not ask Him for the desires of our hearts? God is so patient; why not bring our frustrations and fears to Him?
I guess this is a little scrambled in thought, sometimes that happens when I get really excited about something! But bottom line, God is powerful, loving and patient. He wants the best for us. All we need to do is pray and seek God, and He will bless us.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Passionate People

God has given me such a passion for Him recently. A passion that is just so overwhelming that I don’t understand how I went so long being numb to Him. It is kind of incredible looking at the people God has specifically placed in my life to encourage me in my passion for Him. Three specific people have come to mind and for my first blog I just want to write about the encouragement they have been in my life, and they don’t even know it!
First off is a young man named James Frey. I met James in March when I went to New York on a trip with Linn Benton Community College’s choir. During this trip I wasn’t really expecting God to move in my heart, however God surprised me and awakened my spirit more then it had been in months. James is living in New York working with teens in YWAM, his passion and love for God was just so moving to me. The way he talked about God just made my heart yearn to have the same relationship with the Lord that he had. I wanted to know God so intimately, hear Gods voice and follow Gods commands more then ever. The crazy part about how James influenced me wasn’t one specific thing; it was just the fact that he lived whole heartily for God. He was real about everything and just refreshing to me. I praise God for meeting him and the influence he had on me. Even though I’ve had very few encounters with him. He blessed me immensely.
Another person who has majorly influenced my life is Sarah Nelson. I’ve known Sarah for numerous years now because our families have been incredibly close, but I was never really close to her. Recently God has just been putting her on my heart, so I have been reading her blogs a lot. She has which is always an encouragement to me. But I recently discovered her new blog This blog has just touched my heart. Watching Sarah just bloom into this beautiful woman just showed me that I can do it too! Seeing Sarah’s heart in her blogs just has shown me the beauty of being a woman, the grace of just being real with God and real about the struggles I am having. I don’t even know if I can explain how much Sarah, all the way in Portland has blessed me on a regular basis. I’m so grateful to God for giving me this beautiful woman to influence me.
The next person I have talked to twice in my life. And the conversations I’ve had with him have been very very short to say the least. His name is Nate Uttely. I met Nate at Fall Retreat this year. However, before I met him, I saw him. Not in a creepy way, my eyes were just drawn to his love and passion for God. I eventually talked to him and I don’t even think we had an important conversation, because I don’t remember what we said. However I do remember just seeing the love of God pour out of his mouth. I was very moved by how beautiful and real his relationship with Christ is and INCREDIBLY blessed by it. I just know that God is using him so much because just my quick little encounters with him changed my life.
I guess what God has been showing me is that my Passion for Him doesn’t need to be perfect. I just need to live it. Live life for Him and share what He is doing in me. God has giving me such a joy and I am so grateful to have it. I’m excited to see where God takes me and to see what God has for me to say in my blog.


1.not resistible; incapable of being resisted or withstood: an irresistible impulse.
2.lovable, esp. calling forth feelings of protective love: an irresistible puppy.
3.enticing; tempting to possess: an irresistible necklace.

1.any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
2.strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor. instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.
5.a person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire.
6.a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything: a passion for music.
7.the object of such a fondness or desire: Accuracy became a passion with him. outburst of strong emotion or feeling: He suddenly broke into a passion of bitter words.
9.violent anger.
10.the state of being acted upon or affected by something external, esp. something alien to one's nature or one's customary behavior (contrasted with action).
11.(often initial capital letter ) Theology.
a.the sufferings of Christ on the cross or His sufferings subsequent to the Last Supper.
b.the narrative of Christ's sufferings as recorded in the Gospels.